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    Francisco Baraona

    Interim Manager and M&A Advisor

    "Transformation is like a demanding mountain climb that requires a natural challenge as the altitude increases. Success requires intensive training. In my role as a manager, I act like an experienced mountain guide: I lead the way, but true and sustainable transformation requires each team member to master the ascent independently."

    interim manager_francisco baraona_-min

    Professional stations are listed below.

    Reference projects can also be found below.

    Career stages

    since 03/2017 Interim Manager and M&A Consultant for companies in transformative phases
    11/2010 – 02/2017
    • Turnover € 2.2 billion
    • 22,000 employees
    • Testing, inspection and certification company
    • Location: Munich
    Vice President Enterprise IT-Security
    • Transformation of an existing certification unit into a global digital service strategy for a new global business unit
    • Increase in turnover +13%
    • Conception and management of a global M&A buy & build strategy

    • Project manager for the global CFO agenda
    • Management of a global operational excellence agenda, EBIT effects € 10 million
    10/2008 – 09/2010
    Arabella Hospitality Group GmbH & Co. KG, Subsidiary of the Schörghuber Corporate Group
    • Turnover € 0.6 billion. 2,600 employees
    • Manager Finance & Projects, 2 employees
    • Close cooperation with the entrepreneurial family
    • Munich location
    • Management of operational excellence measures
    • Joint venture negotiation support in the hotel sector
    • Introduction of a group-wide IT management ITIL


    2005 – 2008
    Strategic consulting
    Proven track record

    References and projects

      In addition to my professional stations listed above, there are of course many other references.